May 26, 2017 by Medigroup
The brain is the most complex organ in the human body, and it must be taken care of properly. However, the topic of mental health often gets negative attention, preventing many from seeking support. Better education around this subject can help dispel a lot of misconceptions and create a more inclusive discussion. Here are four main things you should know about mental health treatments.
It’s easy to believe that mental health problems don’t affect you if you don’t have one, but one could emerge in your lifetime or could impact someone you know. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, approximately 43.4 million adults, or 17.9 percent, aged 18 or older dealt with a mental illness in 2015. In addition, NIMH found that 1 in 5 children either currently or will have a seriously debilitating mental disorder sometime in their lives.
Support groups are a possible treatment option for mental health issues.
Myths have emerged that mental health issues are caused by character flaws, and that people can simply overcome if they try. However, this isn’t the case. Most mental conditions are compounded by a number of variables like biological factors, life experiences and family medical history, Mental Health stated. Fortunately, most individuals can get better and completely recover, but they are only able to do so with help. There are more treatments, services and support systems available than there were in the past, and these efforts can significantly help the recovery process.
“Visiting a doctor, psychiatrist or support group can help improve a patient’s mental health.”
There are pill options to help alleviate a number of different conditions, and these drugs have become more effective over time. According to a report by JAMA Internal Medicine, 11.5 percent of adults took prescription medication to help subdue problems related to nerves, emotions and mental health. In addition, in 2013, nearly three-quarters of physician office visits involved drug therapy, and 2.8 billion drug orders were made, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
However, not all conditions need to be managed with drugs. Simply visiting a doctor, psychiatrist or support group can help improve a patient’s mental health. Options will vary depending on the individual, and could include some form of medication, therapy or both.
To get the most effective treatment, patients should seek out a multidisciplinary team to provide holistic treatment. This could include visiting a therapist, doctor and others as needed. Psych Central suggested shopping around to find a team of professionals that fit your needs and expectations for care. One individual might not know everything about your condition or the best treatment, but a team of experts can work together to determine the best course of action and deliver an appropriate solution. As mental health awareness becomes more prevalent, it will be important to understand treatment options, and remember that many conditions can be managed with the right strategy.