November 6, 2024 by Medigroup
Healing large and difficult wounds requires a unique approach, one that considers both speed and quality. When it comes to wounds that are hard to heal, standard wound care methods are often insufficient. The hard-to-heal wounds are beyond conventional standard wound care methods. These need special techniques and skills, advanced products for wound healing, and a dedicated aftercare to stimulate the recovery process of such wounds.
In this blog post, we are going to explore deep wound-healing challenges, the necessity of using appropriate products, and how MediGroup supports health practices with contract negotiations they need.
While minor cuts or scrapes heal well by themselves, large-sized wounds pose a number of challenges toward their healing process. Large or deep wounds are likely to miss the proper blood circulation that is usually crucial in the usual process of wound healing. This condition turns a simple injury into hard-to-heal wounds with increasingly demanding attention and care.
In the process of healing, a number of factors may be adverse toward these types of wounds, from conditions of poor health to infection risks and the extent of tissue damage. Among the greatest problems associated with wounds of this type is keeping the environment stable, so it fosters healing but does not encourage bacteria and infection spread. The other major complication from these sorts of wounds is a tendency toward becoming chronic: they do not follow through with normal, orderly stages of wound healing, and the recoveries are much longer, more complicated processes.
Specific wound care products will greatly improve the process of recovery by addressing these peculiar demands of such wounds. It’s vital to use specific wound healing products that can address the unique demands of these wounds, such as maintaining a moist environment, controlling bacterial growth, and ensuring sufficient oxygenation to the wound site.
MediGroup collaborates with Organogenesis, a leading company in wound management, to provide healthcare professionals with top-quality wound dressings unmatched in the treatment of large wounds and those that refuse to heal. The results of Organogenesis have been highly researched; 86% of the treated wounds improved significantly in the condition of the wound bed. These studies present them as first-line treatment in cases of complicated wounds and thus a very reliable tool for health professionals.
Puraply®AM and Puraply®XT from Organogenesis are available in a variety of sizes and configurations so that providers can select the most appropriate dressing for each specific wound type. Sterile and individually sealed in dry sheets packaged into convenient single-use pouches, these dressings assure hygiene and ease of use. Packaging ensures the dressings are safely stored at room temperature, making them convenient to use at any site of care, including physician offices, outpatient departments, and specialized wound care clinics.
Organogenesis is committed to quality and adaptability, meeting the needs of tough-to-heal wounds and enabling providers with confidence in treatment, knowing they have a reliable, clinically proven solution. Along with MediGroup and Organogenesis, healthcare providers are given access and resources to enable faster, healthier wound-healing outcomes.
While the correct products of wound healing themselves are important in the process of healing, complete after-care practice is another important modality one can use to further support wound healing, especially for larger or deeper wounds. Aftercare involves more than changes in dressings; it means close monitoring, regular cleaning, and an all-around meticulous approach that minimizes the occurrence of any further complication. Proper aftercare is very important for the healing of deep wounds and to ensure that all stages in the course of healing are undergone without reversals.
A multidisciplinary course of treatment, from cleaning to aftercare, will successfully heal problematic wounds. MediGroup is proud to be a partner in finding and delivering superior products and successful wound management approaches for today’s healthcare professionals facing the challenge of managing problem wounds. From post-surgical wounds to chronic ulcers, MediGroup strives for the best contracts and vendors in the field to ensure positive outcomes through better care.