May 1, 2018 by Medigroup
As the growing trend of corporate social responsibility starts to strengthen, businesses are becoming more aware of not only the environment’s health, but all the physical and mental well-being of their employees. As the employer-employee relationship continues to change and evolve, more companies have come to understand that an employee’s health is something they must not only protect, but improve.
This increased awareness can be seen in the fact May is Global Employee Health and Fitness Month. Across the world, organizations have bought into the value of workforce well-being strategies and programs. A healthy worker is a happy worker, who is also a productive worker. Beyond that, engaging employees on their health can improve morale and shows that their employer takes an active stake in their personal well-being. Here’s what you need to know about Global Employee Health and Fitness Month and how your business can participate.
According to the National Association for Health and Fitness, Global Employee Health and Fitness Month (GEHFM) was first observed in 1989. At that time, the concept of employer and employee taking a cooperative, proactive approach to personal health wasn’t exactly mainstream. Since then, however, there have been tremendous advances in technology and modern corporate thinking that have led to the current climate where businesses are offering fitness trackers, gym memberships and other perks just to get workers moving.
Collaborating on achieving a healthier workplace and workforce is in everyone’s interests. Employees can benefit from healthier lifestyles, while companies can see gains on multiple fronts, including: health care cost containment, office motivation and increased productivity.
“Employees can benefit from healthier lifestyles, while companies can see gains on multiple fronts.”
There are many steps both employees and employers can take to observe GEHFM and inspire progress:
As more businesses see the value in engaging workers on their well-being, it will be important to take advantage of opportunities like GEHFM. Start thinking about what training sessions or impromptu exercises may work for you.